The Art of Stranski - Lorenzo Etherington interview at the Wildman Gallery

Neil attended a very wet 'Lakes International Comic Art Festival' but that didn't stop him from interviewing!

Here he talks to Lorenzo Etherington; who along with his brother Robin is more widely celebrated as the Etherington Brothers and whose comics for all ages are adored by an army of fans. A point admirably demonstrated earlier this year when their 'How to Think When you Draw' Kickstarter campaign became the biggest funded UK comic project ever.

When Neil caught up with Lorenzo it was at the Wildman Gallery where his Art of Stranski Exhibit had just opened (12th October to 15th November). So sit back and discover together this forgotten lost 1940s masterpiece.... [Spoiler - Its all Lorenzo!]

For more information about the Etherington Brothers (and links to their free teaching materials);


Thanks also to 'Turtle Steve' for stepping in as camera-operator!